Fake Redirection Generator

Create a redirect or rickroll with fake preview data on social media (facebook, discord, whatsapp, twitter, ...)

Create a new fake redirection url


* You can enter Shortcodes in these fields. They will be replaced. DONT use spaces inside the shortcodes. Instead write underscores _ . Available shortcodes:

FORMAT=(click link for help, default=d.m.Y)
STRTOTIME=(click link for help, default=now)
Examples: [[datetime]], [[datetime d.m.Y_H:i:s yesterday]], [[datetime Y-m-d last_monday]]

[[random LENGTH TYPE]]
LENGTH=(number of characters, default=10)
TYPE=(number, char, mixed, default=mixed)
Examples: [[random]], [[random 20 number]], [[random 99 char]]

Example Links

- German potatoe (Kartoffel)
Preview on Discord,Whatsapp,Facebook,... will look like this:

... but if you open the link you will get redirected to a autoplay full hd rick roll.

- What happened yesterday?
The website url is https://worldhistoryproject.org/what-happened-on/[[datetime A.j yesterday]]. A.j is month/day.

Recently generated links

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